Inclusive Quality Education 2

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Last week, we discussed the meaning and benefits of inclusive quality education ( As promised, today we look at the types of inclusion and the principles of inclusion.

quality education for all

Types of Inclusion:

Regardless of the learning disability, all students are different and have unique needs; it is therefore very important to choose the right type of inclusive education based on the students’ needs. There are 3 types of inclusive education:

1. Full Inclusion

This model is based on the premise that all students, with or without hidden and visible disabilities, work alongside their peers within the same classroom and are given the needed support, have personalised learning plans developed for them, and their progress is evaluated over time.

2. Partial Inclusion

This process is centred on allowing all students to learn and interact within the main classroom but ‘pull-out’ students with known disabilities and provide the needed support with specialised teachers/ professionals away from the main classroom. These are usually termed “one-on-one”’ sessions.

3. Mainstreaming

This model has the children with special needs start their educational journey away from the main classroom. They are then integrated into the main classroom based on their readiness. This model allows students to gradually ease into the full inclusion system when they are ready. In this instance, students are gradually eased into the full inclusion system and support is weaned.

What, then, are the key principles of Inclusive Education?

Researchers agree that there are about 5 or more known principles on which inclusive education stands. These principles are:

1. The Principle of Change: inclusive education seeks to change the traditional education system and processes to meet the needs of all children, not change the children to fit into the education system.

2. The Principle of Acceptance: inclusive model recognises each individual child as unique and different within the same learning environment and meets the needs of each child based on their unique abilities. The success of the inclusive model is based on the lengths to which educators accept individual, unique and “peculiar” abilities and strengths of students.

3. The Principle of Participation: inclusive education makes room for the equal participation of all students, with or without disabilities, within the same teaching and learning environment.

4. The Principle of Equality: this principle explains that all students have the right to knowledge, skills, information, and opportunities, regardless of their unique abilities.

5. The Principle of Togetherness: this principle promotes the knowledge that inclusive learning environments promote all round development of learners within the same educational environment, irrespective of their caste, race, socioeconomic status; physical, intellectual and learning disabilities.

Say YES to Inclusion


Brookes Blog (2016). 7 Key Features of Quality Inclusion. (Published on September 1, 2016. Retrieved on May 26, 2022).

Futurelearn (2021). What is inclusive education, and how can you implement it? (published on October 22nd, 2021. Retrieved on May 26th, 2022).

International Disability Alliance (2020). What an Inclusive, Equitable, Quality Education Means to Us Report of the International Disability Alliance, March 2020

Open Society Foundations (2019). The Value of Inclusive Education. (Published in May, 2019. Retrieved May 26th, 2022).

Plan International (2020). Overview: Inclusive Quality Education.,and%20free%20from%20gender%20bias. (retrieved on May 26th, 2022).

Plan International (2020). Overview: Inclusive Quality Education.,and%20free%20from%20gender%20bias. (retrieved on May 26th, 2022).


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ENNY Foundation recognizes that every child is unique and has a potential. We provide programs that meet the academic, physical, social, and emotional needs of every child so that each child would have equal opportunity to succeed and contribute meaningfully to society.